Marriage & Civil Union Services
at Unity Lutheran Church for more info or questions contact the Office Manager pastor |
In PreparationBefore the Service
The pastor will meet with you prior to the service:
(2) Marriage vows (3) Prayers of Intercession (4) Holy Communion is optional (5) Participants: readers, ushers, communion assistants and gift bearers if needed (6) Music at the service For a service with Unity's Pastor, please consultate with the Organist. |
Yes, we perform Interfaith weddings!RehearsalThe Rehearsal
A rehearsal will be scheduled a day or two prior to the wedding/civil union. The purpose is to familiarize you with all the moving parts of the service so everyone is comfortable on the big day! The rehearsal normally lasts 30-60 minutes. |
FeesWedding Fees:
Organist: $250 Custodial fee: $50 Worship Folder preparation: $25 Offering to Unity Lutheran Church: $450 Pastor: $300 Additional fees may apply, including but not limited to, honorariums for additional musicians; the use of the community hall if a reception is desired. Fees may be paid at the rehearsal, normally the day before your service. Celebration and Support The joining of two people who love, honor and cherish each other is a cause for celebration with your family, friends and community. And the staff and members of Unity will continue to support you in your life of faith, joy, love. |