Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches

March in the Annual Pride Parade the Last Sunday of June
Help us invite the Chicago LGBTQA community to our embracing, loving churches! Be in the parade!
Specific line-up details at our website in the week prior to parade.
Can You Help?
10:00am Volunteers needed to assemble signs and decorate van
11:30am Worship on site (all are welcome!)
12:00 noon Parade kick-off
Volunteers needed to be available to assist with any members who may need assistance w/ wheelchair pushing.
Help us invite the Chicago LGBTQA community to our embracing, loving churches! Be in the parade!
Specific line-up details at our website in the week prior to parade.
Can You Help?
10:00am Volunteers needed to assemble signs and decorate van
11:30am Worship on site (all are welcome!)
12:00 noon Parade kick-off
Volunteers needed to be available to assist with any members who may need assistance w/ wheelchair pushing.
Care For Real

Unity supports Care for Real with weekly donations of food and personal items. Care for Real food pantry is the only food pantry in our zip code and serves over 2,000 clients a month. Care for Real is located at 6044 N Broadway St., Chicago, IL 60660. Phone: (773) 769-6182.
"Putting Edgewater to Work" (PEW) is a new Care For Real program to address the high unemployment in our community. Click here for a full description and contact info.
"Putting Edgewater to Work" (PEW) is a new Care For Real program to address the high unemployment in our community. Click here for a full description and contact info.